Block Explorer

Scroll Alpha Testnet is now deprecated.

Please visit our new documentation for the Scroll Sepolia Testnet at

We use the BlockScout project as the block explorer for the Scroll Alpha Testnet.

Here are some tips for using the block explorer:

  • The homepage of the block explorer displays the general statistics of the network and the latest blocks and transactions.

  • Clicking the block number and transaction hash on the homepage redirects you to the Block Details and Transaction Details page.

  • You can search by address, transaction hash, or block number in the search box on the top right corner to find specific information.

Additional Explorers

For looking into activity on Layer 1, use Etherscan's Goerli Testnet Explorer.

For an alternative block explorer experience, Unifra has built Scroll Explorer, which lets users explore additional aspects of the Scroll Alpha Testnet. Dora also supports Scroll Alpha and provides a multi-chain view of blockchain activity.

Last updated