
Scroll Alpha Testnet is now deprecated.

Please visit our new documentation for the Scroll Sepolia Testnet at


You need to have a wallet to interact with dApps on the Scroll Testnet. You can find some example wallets and configuration tips below.


You can install MetaMask from their official website.

You need to import the Alpha Testnet configurations to your MetaMask wallet. To do this, click all Add to wallet buttons on the Alpha Testnet homepage. This will import the chain ID and RPC URLs for the Scroll Alpha Testnet. The Goerli Testnet is configured on Metamask by default. To show it, click "Show/hide test networks" in the MetaMask network selection dropdown menu.

Manual network configuration (for other wallets)

Currently, the Add to wallet links may not be compatible with all wallets yet. If you are having issues using them, you may need to manually add the Goerli Testnet and Scroll Alpha network by inserting the configuration details from the table below:

Last updated